Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Very Revealing Picture of A Cullen.....

So now...let me ask you....Vampires or Werewolves??

BTW....Thanks Mel :)

Monday, November 23, 2009


For those of you who are not close enough to get the news around here....major happenings in this town.

There have been a series of armed robberies and sexual assaults going on. I am freaked out! I have not been able to sleep since I found out about this. They all happened last week and within a few hours of each other, so I am pretty sure they were connected. Nothing has been reported since then, but I am still scared.

I do not go to bed at night without checking to make sure that all of the doors are locked about five or six times. I check on the kids constantly during the night. I make Andy get out of bed at least once a night to investigate any noise I may hear, its always the cats or the kids, but noises are beginning to be my downfall.

It's not just here in town either. It is happening in the sleepy little town of Fulton. That's right, you heard me, the perfect town of Fulton is now trembling in fear of this monster too. It actually took place in Fulton before Clinton. For those of you who may not know about Fulton, it is a very small, tight knit community. One of those places where everyone knows everyone else, and all of their business too. Which leads to me this question....if this was an outsider, how was he not noticed? The man in question is African American...not something that is common in Fulton. So did this go unnoticed?

All I know is that no matter how long this man stays quiet...I will not sleep until he is caught. Andy may suffer from lack of sleep, and I may suffer from lack of oxygen while Andy holds the pillow over my face...but I will not sleep!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Joe Mac!!!

While NKOTB are on a break. Joe Mac made a new record. Here is his new video....does he look effen amazing or what??!!!


That is the way I have been feeling lately. Not good, not bad, just ugh....

Im not sure what my problem is, but it needs to be fixed very soon. I have too much work to do to sit around and feel like crap!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Day in a Nutshell.....


I was very productive today...can you tell?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Disaster Waiting to Happen...

So I have just been informed that there is a chance that my sister will be coming home for my dad's benefit this weekend. My sister in law and I are NOT amused by this. This is actually the worst possible thing that could happen this weekend.

Jennifer lives in Texas and from what I have heard, has completely gone to shit. She only calls when she needs something, hasn't been home for a few years, and when she is home, she never actually spends time with any of her family. She is a self centered little bitch who should have had her ass whooped a long time ago. I can't believe that it hasn't been done yet.

My sister in law has worked too damn hard for her to stroll in and ruin everything. We all know that this is exactly what will happen. She will come in and act like we should stop everything to pay attention to her. This is a day for my dad...not some spoiled little bitch who doesn't care.

I could go farther into detail, but I won't. With that being said....anyone have bail money for us? Cuz this bitch is NOT going to ruin this for my dad!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Intersting Conversations....

Twitter is great. The conversations that we have are extremely interesting. Today, we went from talking about the parties to talking about sex. How we changed the subject so dramatically has escaped me, but it turned out to be a hilarious discussion. One of my friends decided she was going to start asking questions out of a book and we could respond.

The first question was this: Pretend you and your significant other were vacationing and met a very nice, wealthy couple. You befriend them and decide to join them for dinner. When your significant other leaves the table to go to the restroom, they offer you and your significant other 50K to have a sexual orgy with them, what do you do? Do you even discuss the proposition with your significant other?

Andy was all over this question...go figure. He was all for it. Personally, I have no idea how I would respond to this. Could I use 50K...hell yeah. Could I have sex with complete strangers? That is where it gets hairy for never know where these people have been, or what diseases they may have. How many other people have they offered this to? Are they really serial killers looking for their next victims? Ok...maybe my mind is wandering, as usual, but these are things that I would definitely have to think about before I would agree to anything.

So....what would you do?